Adam de Montbegon appears in the ... Furness Coucher Book,... partt ii ., p . 456, in a deed -of date 1152-55. 'He gave to Etacard de Bury four bovases of ]said in Tottington as a marriage portion with Alice, his daughter. Another lady of this house, of s later period and genera- tion, judging by what is known of her husband, and the absence of her name from the same record, Cecilia de Montbegon, lady of Horrrby anal -of Kirkland, became the wife of ,William -deRadcliffe, who was sheriff of Lancashire (for Theobald Walter) . 1194-5, and one of the lfnrghts of the grand inquest of the county of Lancaster in 1211. Now it is all but certain that Edward de Bury, husband of Alice do Montbegon, lived at a period so much earlier titan is consistent with his being contemporary with the William de Radcliffe of these particulars. as to forbid the -qapposition that his wife, Cecilia, and A-lice . the wife of Edward de Bury, were iter . apart f the disparity of treatment of the two Cby -the absence of ansuch notice of Cecilia as is given of Alice * it the ...Teeta de evill,... and these circumstances . with others to follow later, demand a generation of the 'Montliegon family between Adam and- the next of his successors who appear on record . This pt ember of that family comes before us as the subject of the following extracts :- ... In enumerating the fees of Roger de .-Montbegon, who died 9 John (1207-8), it is said that Adam Buri holde one knight's fee by ancient tenure,... &c., &o. Page 9 HISTORICAL .11IDDLETON . 57-1 THE ANCIENT LORDS OF THE MANOR. V1. At the Siege of Nottingham Castle by King' Richard I., William de Wendeval and Roger de Montabum Monthegon) with twelve others.& left. (the ca tie) on the 26th \larch, 1194, and Nottingham Castle was surrendered to the King next day.... ...King John, when Earl of Moreton, gave the service, of William de Tatham. in Tateham ant, Ileby, value 18s . 8d., to Roger de Monthe- gott, Yle seizen of which, in the 17th year -)f... his reign, he commanded to be delivered to him.... This Roger was followed by another Roger de Montbegon, presumably his Ron . who appears as under : ... In 1202 Roger de Montbegon rendered an account of £200 for having to wife Olive, and in the same year he gave 4) marks for having seizen of his lands of which he (his father?) 'was disseized in 1197. He died before. 1223 (in 1225, as will be shown later), on the 30th March, on which the Sheriff of Nottinham was ordered to take into the King's hands . tit, manor of Oswaldbec, which the King had delivered to Olive, who was the wife of Roger .'... In 1215, Roger was engaged among -the rebellious barons, and we -learn that ...In trho- clo.e rolls of John all the lands and goods cf - th,, Earl of Chester and of Roger de Montbegoa were taken into the king's hands 14th December, 1215.... Also that these lands were- .given to Albert de Albini ; but before the end of the year (]larch 31st, 1216) he (Roger) rno- turned to his -loyalty and died 10 Ilenrv III. (1225), when the Sheriff of Lancashire receive:' a writ, elated Bernewell . March 3rd, to take into the kiug',q hands all the lands which Roger de Monte Begonia, lately deceased, held in tha' bailiwick, excepting *his wife's inheritance. This Roger. or the preceding one, gave to his hrcther, John Malherbe, ten carucatea and six -boyates of land in Cro5ton, with their appurtenances, to be held in knight's service. Other gifts both to private individuals and io religion, too numerous to he reasonably regard,.l as thin benefactions of the same individual or to receive notice in this paper, appear under the name of Roger de Montbegon : but. as showing the respect in which this Roger field hi: Saxon auce4tor, .\dart-Fitz-Sweine. the f rutrder of Button Priory, ae well as on account, of the names of Adam de Bury an3 Roger do -Middleton appearing, on out-- of these -deeds as witneetec, 1 submit the following :.. Roger de .3lontbegou gave to the priory of MonK Bretton, in the county of York, the pasture iii Iloler-ambe, neLaervtug to hiself the wild b asrs aurl pa.turo for his cattiu within u'rtain bound,.. 13v a second charter, about 1236 (before -Shown as sure 1225), he grants all Holecombe, and by a third ... total forestalu do Holecombs,... thereby releasing the reservation of his first grant . By a fourth charter the same grantor conveys to :he said priory three acres ? of meadow near Pilgrims-cross-e ?l tasse. That there was, at least one generation between this Roger arid Adam de Monthegon will appear from the following :-... Roger de Monte Begonia tenet food viii . milit in oonr . Lames . infra Lyman of extra. Adam de ]lonte Begonia ancestor ej. dedit llonr .y d(h-, Roke bpi j .caruc' thr re in Wenig'tuu r .&.... I...field eight Kuiehtt,' fees in the county of Lancaster below and above the line . Adam . his aneesstor, gave Henry- de Rokeby two cartwates of land n W.nig'ton for Krtiultt's service, &c....). Adatn, would not hates: boon styled merely as ancestor if he had been the father of Roger ; arid that there was. more than one generation lx'tween these two is rendered very probable b, the marriage of Cecilia de 11ontlr ?g on, ...lady of Ifornby and of Kirkland,... with William tie Radoliffe, for if slit-, had been the daughter of Adarn she w011141 have been sister to Allies. the w ?i f:l of Edward do Bury, and the unlikelihood of this, owing to a disparity in the life periods -{rf the httr ?b artd, of these ladies, has already (wen shown. on Lhe aunt... icaiLd . if slit, had been sister to Roger she muse have appeared in a trial which took place in the 15 Henry III . (1230), in which Galfridus de 'evill and MIabilla, his wife. are plaintiffs in a plea against (lernrncia, who cva:, thet wife of F.ndo de Long . viilars, and who was the sister and co-heir to Roger de 'Montebegon, the said hlabilla being t---r' eldest osier arul co-heir ? of theo said Roger. It would fitrtherrnore apne'ar from this that John 3lalherbe had died before this Roger, but whether rhc-v were uncle and nephew, or brothers. i s uncertain. Roger w ?a s succeeded t,Henry de hlorie he- den, for a w ?r i: directed 'to the khoriff of Lancaster,