- b.0909 in of Droge - Aka Hrolf or Robert --------------- see notes d.> 0960 in Earl of Orkneys and Maer Norway 920

- b.~ 0935 in of Tillieres, Normandy, France d.0990

- b.0913 in Tillieres, Normandy, France d.Bet 950 and 998

- b.~ 0970 in Normandy, France d.Bet 990 and 1050

- b.0911 d.Bet 937 and 990

- b.~ 0937 in of Tillieres, Normandy, France d.Bet 970 and 1000

- b.~ 0990 in Normandy, France d.> 1041

- b.~ 1025 in Averanches, Normandy, France d.> 1082 in Normandy?, France

- b.0994 in of Normandy, France or Kent, England d.Bet 1028 and 1089
- b.~ 1067 in Avranches, Normandy, France

- b.~ 0850 in <, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France>

- b.~ 0900 in <, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France>

- b.~ 0969 in Conteville, France d.Bet 1010 and 1040 in Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France

- b.~ 1001 in Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France d.1080

- b.~ 0974 in Mellent, Normandy, France d.Bet 1005 and 1060

- b.1033 in Montague, Conteville, France d.Bet 1059 and 1089

- b.~ 0978 in Falaise, Cavados, France

- b.1003 in Falaise, Calvados, France d.1050 in Caen,France

- b.0980 in Falaise,Calvados,France d.Bet 1003 and 1060