- b.~ 1330 in Of, Lathom, Lancashire, England d.BEF 20 Mar 1381/1382
- b.~ 1359 in Of Pilkington d.03 Nov 1383

- b.1220 in Kinderton,Cheshire,England d.1261

- b.1245 in Kinderton,Cheshire,England d.1292

- b.1225 in Peninton,Cheshire,England

- b.~ 1273 in Of, Kinderton, Cheshire, Eng d.1311

- b.1257 in Kinderton,Cheshire,England

- b.1296 in Of, Kinderton, Cheshire, England d.1368

- b.~ 1193 in Shipbrook,Cheshire,England d.~ 1270

- b.~ 1220 in Shipbrook,Cheshire,England d.~ 1346

- b.~ 1278 in , Shipbrook, Cheshire, Eng

- b.~ 1225 in Dacre or Gillisland,Cumberlandshire,England d.~ 1260

- b.~ 1328 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England

- b.~ 1260 in Of Mollington, Banastre, Cheshire, England d.ABT 1340/1341

- b.~ 1300 in Of, Houghton, Lancashire, England

- b.~ 1263 in Mollington, Banastre, Cheshire, England