Roger Cole had his dwelling at Coleton (Cole town) in Culmleigh, in thesame county.
He was summoned under the general writ to London, July 1297 to performMilitary service in person, with horses and arms, etc., in parts beyondthe seas; and was again summoned to perform service against the Scots in1301 and probably perished in this Expedition. Perhaps his early deathmay account for the omission of his name in the Family Pedigree drawn upin 1630 by Sir William Segar, Garter King at Arms.
(Source: Family histories and genealogies : a series of genealogical andbiographical monographs on the families of MacCurdy, Mitchell, Lord,Lynde, Digby, Newdigate, Hoo, Willoughby, Griswold, Wolcott, Pitkin,Ogden, Johnson, Diodati, Lee and Marvin : and notes on the families ofBuchanan, Parmelee, Boardman, Lay, Locke, Cole, DeWolf, Drake, Bond andSwayne, Dunbar and Clarke, and a notice of Chief Justice Morrison RemickWaite : with twenty-nine pedigree-charts and two charts of combineddescents
unknown: Priv. print., 1892, page 619 of 1,893 pgs. )