REFN: 23730
There are many land grants and deeds in Richmond County, North Caro
li na to MacKeachey's; one or the grants in 1780 is to Margaret MacKeach
ey w ho would have had to be a widow to qualify. She seems to be the mo
th er of John, James, and George, for James MacKeachey sold that la
nd in 18 23 after his move to Mississippi. The assumptions is, that Willi
am and Mar garet were married before the birth of James in 1749 and had ne
arly gro wn children before their move to America from Ireland. The childr
en that a re listed are the only ones documented. The size of families dur
ing this t ime averaged 5 to 9 children. So it's assumed that there were m
ore childr en in the MacKeachey family that are not documented or not y
et found docum ented.Notes for MARGARET (UNKNOWN):
There are many land grants and deeds in Richmond County, North Caro
li na to MacKeachey's; one or the grants in 1780 is to Margaret MacKeach
ey w ho would have had to be a widow to qualify. She seems to be the mo
th er of John, James, and George, for James MacKeachey sold that la
nd in 18 23 after his move to Mississippi. The assumptions is, that Willi
am and Mar garet were married before the birth of James in 1749 and had ne
arly gro wn children before their move to America from Ireland. The childr
en that a re listed are the only ones documented. The size of families dur
ing this t ime averaged 5 to 9 children. So it's assumed that there were m
ore childr en in the MacKeachey family that are not documented or not y
et found docum ented.