- b.~ 0928 in Harcourt, Brionne, Eure, Normandy d.~ 1019

- b.~ 0951 in Normandy, France d.~ 1036

- b.~ 0930 in Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.0988 in Neufmarche, Seine Inferiere, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.0942 in Normandy, France d.1023

- b.~ 0954 in Normandy, France d.Deceased

- d.Deceased

- b.1018 in Neufmarche, Seine Inferiere, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- d.Deceased

- b.~ 1050 in Neufmarche, Seine Inferiere, Normandy, France d.1093 in Aberhonwy, Breconshire, Wales

- b.~ 0947 in St Valery, En Caux, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.~ 0977 in St Valery, En Caux, Normandy, France d.> 1011

- b.~ 0950 in St Valery, En Caux, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.1008 in St Valaery En Caux, Normandy, France d.> 1053 in Hugleville, Normandy, France

- b.28 Aug 933 in Normandy, France d.20 Nov 996 in Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France

- b.~ 0980 in Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.0935 d.Deceased

- b.1027 in St Valaery En Caux, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.~ 1000 in Normandy, France d.Deceased

- b.~ 1011 in Hugleville, Normandy, France d.Deceased

- d.Deceased
- b.~ 1091 in Aberhonwy, Breconshire, Wales d.Deceased in Wales

- d.Deceased

- b.1030 in Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England d.1067 in Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England

- b.1055 in Arwystle, Herefordshire, England d.> 1100 in Richard's Castle, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England

- b.~ 0977 in Moyaux, Calvados, Normandy, France d. in Y

- b.1007 in Moyaux, Calvados, Normandy, France d.1071 in Essex, England

- b.~ 0980 in Normandy, France d.Deceased in Abbey Of Montivilliers, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

- b. in Essex, England d.Deceased

- d.Deceased

- b.~ 1075 in Hereford, Herefordshire, England

- b.~ 0938 in Wales d.Deceased

- b.0980 in Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales d.1023

- b.~ 0940 in Gwynedd, Caernarvonshire, Wales d.Deceased

- b.1011 in Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales d.05 Aug 1063 in Slain

- b.~ 0938 in Deheubarth, Wales d.0999

- b.0982 in Deheubarth, Wales

- b.~ 0943 in Of Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales d.Deceased

- b.~ 1056 in Rhuddlan, Flintshire, Wales d.1153

- b.14 May 978 in Mercia, England d.31 Aug 1057 in Bromley, Staffordshire, England Mercia

- b.~ 1015 in Chester, Cheshire, England Mercia d.> 1062 in Mercia, England

- b.~ 1002 in Buckinghamshire, England d.> 1086 in Coventry, Warwickshire, England Mercia

- b.~ 1041 in Saxe, Mercia, England d.> 1086

- b.~ 0985 in Wessex, England d.1015 in Killed

- b.< 1016 in Wessex, England d. in Y

- b.~ 0990 in Mercia, England d. in Y