Also Known As:<_AKA> Rachel /Ramah/ Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 4X3R-1P Buried in Valley Bend, WVA, Cemetery; Noted as a French Huguenot by the Nation Huguenot Society. Nationalhuguenot Society claimed born in Lorraine, France, but probably unlikely.
Letter from the Rev. Joseph Rand Wood to Charles Wood on 5/18/1903indicated that Aaron Wood told Joseph Rand Wood that Rachel Ramey wasfrom a Huguenot family.
[S30] Wood-Miller, JV Chapter titled "Wood-Miller Ancestral Line" from the book "AncestralFamilies of Emily Catherine Wood (Pack). Indicates that she was born inVirginia in 1744.
AUTHOR: John F. Vallentine Ph. D. PUBLICATION: Printed privately 15 May 1995.