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Male Armistead King Click to view Armistead King in the family tree

Armistead was born in 1825 in Of, Warrenton, Warren, North Carolina.  Armistead's father was Charles King and his mother is Rebecca Stanley.  He is an only child.

Armistead's first family with Adeline PASCHALL

‌Armistead and Adeline were married in a religious ceremony on October 15th, 1844 in , Warren, NC.  They had four sons named Henry D., Robert D., Durell Armistead and Saul.

Armistead's second family with Lucy A. Hicks

‌Armistead and Lucy A. were married in a religious ceremony on July 2nd, 1860 in , Warren, NC.  They have three sons and three daughters, named Cassa, Iry L., Lany M., Martha A., Catharina and Lucy W..

Ancestral File (R), International Genealogical Index (R) @ Film #: 471799
