Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr.
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr.
John F. Burner of Baltimore Maryland states that Andrewwas sent back to England for his education.
1682 December 24, the ship, "Welcome", arrived first in New Castle thenUpland; it carried William Penn and a considerable number of Quakers.Itcan be assumed that Andrew Job and his brotherswere there to greet them.In January Upland was renamed Chester in honor of themany settlers fromCheshire.
1683 The Boundary Line. One of the nagging problems of William Penn'scolony was the Maryland boundary; Lord Baltimore claimedthe mostnavigable part of the Delaware River for Maryland. William Penn asked hispersonal friend, Andrew Job, to help arbitrate, and, with much pompceremony,they met with Baltimore in May of 1683in New Castle. Pennclaimed his charter from Charles II gave him the right to the lowercounties, but Baltimore claimed hischarter from Charles I, whichpredated Penn's by 30 years, stated, "into that part of Delaware Bay onthe north, whichlies under the 40thdegree of northern latitude."Finally Penn and his party prevailed, and a writer of the time penned,"William Penn and Andrew Job being educated men, and beingof suchunusual persuasive and executive ability, convinced all concerned of the correctness of the boundary line."
1688 July, Andrew Job, Jr. signed testimony against selling rumto the Indians.
1690 October 13, a subscription list toward the building ofthe MeetingHouse for Chester showed the amounts donated. Among the donors were:Randal Vernon, 3 lb.; Thomas Vernon, Caleb Pusey, Andrew Job, ThomasVernon, Robert Vernon, and Thomas Minshall, 1 lb. each; Joseph and JacobVernon, 1 lb.; andHenry Worley, 10 shillings. 1691 Before this date,Andrew had purchased 150 acres in Aston Township, Chester County,Pennsylvania.
1692 May, Andrew Job andElizabeth Vernon appeared at the Monthly Meeting at the homeof Thomas Vernon and declared their intention of marriage. Acommittee of men and a committee of women were appointed to see if therewere no obstructions to the marriage.
1692 Andrew purchased 100 acres in Chester Township.
1692 November 7, Andrew Job and Elizabeth Vernon were married at the Chester Monthly Meeting. (Quakers married each other by the consent of and in the presence of Friends. They marriedafter their own fashion, but without consent of the government, which considered the marriages illegal.)
1693 Andrew Job paid tax to the township of Chester in the amount of 3shillings, 8 pence. A provincial tax was levied upon estates and freeman.(A freeman was a person in the possession of and in the enjoyment ofallthe civil and political rights accorded to the people underfreegovernment.)
1694 June 4, The Chester Monthly Meeting appointed John Sharpless andAndrewJob to inquire concerning William Swaford, who had declared hisintentions ofmarriage with Mary Caudwell.
1695 Andrew Job was appointed overseer fortheChester Monthly Meeting.Andrew gave 7 pounds current money to William Penn's effort to settle theSusquehanna region.
1697 Andrew Job was appointed to collectfor sufferings of the people ofBoston.
1697-1701 Andrew Jobwas sheriff ofChester County and Clerk of theChester Monthly Meeting.
1698 Jan. 14, In thecase of James Stanfield, Plaintiff, against AndrewJob, High Sheriff, Defendant;the plaintiff declared that the defendantdetained from him 3 cows and 8 hides of leather for which the defendanthad converted to his own use. The jury decidedthe case for the defendantand ordered the plaintiff to pay 2 pence damage andthe cost of the suit.
1699 Fall, William Penn arrived for thesecond time to find that LordBaltimore in Maryland was still claiming a large tract of land insouthern Pennsylvania. THE NOTTINGHAM LOTS William Penn, with hisintimate friend Andrew Job, a man of education and influence, took aunited stand in favor ofthe subject. Many Quaker leaders, who had beenPenn's companions in England, sympathized with Penn and Job.