Maria Fluth
Maria was born on January 11th, 1886.
1 She died at the age of 77 on March 14th, 1963.
Jacob Fluth
Jacob was born on June 25th, 1887.
1 He died at the age of 20 in August 1907.
Weyeleana Fluth
Weyeleana was born on March 10th, 1890.
1 She died at the age of 77 on March 28th, 1967.
Weye Fluth
Weye was born on January 20th, 1892.
1 She died at just 1 days old on January 21st, 1892.
Della Diever Fluth
Della Diever was born on January 21st, 1893.
1 She died at the age of 40 on January 31st, 1933.
Henry K. Fluth
Henry K. was born on November 23rd, 1894.
1 He died at the age of 70 on August 26th, 1965.
William Fluth
William was born on March 10th, 1901.
1 He died at just 21 days old on March 31st, 1901.