[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
"Gregorie Younge, Grocer, dwelling at the corner house on the north side Leadenhall Street "The will of Gregorie Younge, citizen and grocer of London, St. Peter, Cornhill" was proved at P.C.C. in
On 15 June 1615 was "Buried Widd: Younge a poore pencioner who dwelte in the greene yeard at leaden ahll her pitt in the S: yeard" The will of Susan Young, widow, of St. Peter, Cornhill, London, was
proved at the P.C.C.in 1615.
Source: Letter written to Mr. Jacob F. Gates from Archibald F. Bennett concerning the ancestry of Brigham Youn, 21 Aug 1937 - Geneological Society of LDS, Salt Lake City.
Parish Registers for St. Peter, Cornhill