2 PLAC 530 2 SOUR S332582 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
NPFX Duke GIVN Welf IV (Guelph) of SURN BAVARIA NSFX King of the Guelphs Father of Judith of Bavaria The Guelfs (Welf) were Dukes of Bavaria,and in the 12th Century contended with the house of Hohenstaufen forcontrol of Germany. The English house of Hanover were of the Guelfs. Merged General Note: Welf IV of Bavaria: The English House of Windsor was formerly Guelf(Welf) and are descended from this line. ABBR Bavaria, History of: Encyclopaedia Brittanica, pa TITL Bavaria, History of: Encyclopaedia Brittanica, page 230 Vol. 5.
GIVN Welf IV (Guelph) of SURN Bavaria NPFX Duke NSFX King of The Guelphs
TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999