[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Henry TIMBERLAKE, Newport 1644, then chos, corporal, rep. 1663; had fam. of wh. I kn. only Eliz. that m. 24 Dec. 1670, the third John Coggeshall. Perhaps it was his s. wh. was a solider with the rank of
ensign, under capt. William Turner at the Falls fight in Philip's war, by the scrupulous keeper of the muster roll call. Timberleggs.
(From:SAVAGE, Vol 4, Dictionary of the First Settlers of the NE.)
1663 Richard Tew was Governor's Assistant; Representatives were; Benedict Arnold, Richard Tew, HENRY TIMBERLAKE, John Crandall, Edward Larken, Joseph Torrey, John Coggshall, William Brenton, John Easton, John Cranston.
Henry was listed as a corporal in Newport, RI as early as 1644 and died before 30 Jan 1671, when his wife, Mary was allowed 15/- for a horse hired to New London for a Richard Bailey. He served as a Commissioner in 1663. MARRIAGE (place): New England Marriages Prior to 1700 p. 744. Says child b. 1653.
There was a John Timberlake who married Mary Hunt, widow, in Enfield, Middlesex, England 14 Jul 1639. Middlesex Parish Registers Vol 5 page 150. Vol 7 pg. 114 has John Timberlake, vintner, parish of Hadly, m. Eliz. Tures parish of St. Pulkar, London, widow 1 May 1654.