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Male John Tilley Click to view John Tilley in the family tree

John was born on December 19th, 1571 in Henslow, England.1   John's father was Robert Tilley and his mother was Elizabeth.  His paternal grandparents were William Tille and Agnes.  He was an only child.  He died at the age of 49 on April 10th, 1621 in Plymouth, MA.1 

John's first family with Elizabeth Comyings

‌John and Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony on September 20th, 1596 in Henlow, Bedford, England.1   They had a daughter named Elizabeth.

John's second family with Joan Hurst

‌John and Joan were married in a religious ceremony on September 20th, 1596 in Henlsow, Bedfordshire, England.1   They had a daughter named Elizabeth.

John's third family with Bridget Van De Veldt

They had a daughter named Elizabeth.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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