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2 PLAC 961
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Rev William Thompson was a Pleb at and graduated Brasenose College in 1619 and received his BA degree at Oxford in Feb 28, 1621/22 at age of 22.. He was Curate of the church at Winwick in Lancashire, England. The land for the Old Church, Quincy, Mass first belonged to Rev William Thompson, first minister of the church, and was long known as "The Tompson lot". He was admitted as freeman 5/13/1640. Hancock was his successor in the church of Braintree after his death. He went as a missionary to Virginia in 1642 and remained there for one year, while in Virginia his wife Abigail died, she had remained in Braintree with the young children namely Benjamin, Joseph and Hannah. He then returned to Braintree. Where he died in December 1666.
Rev William Tompson was born in Lancashire, Eng., in 1598, At the time of his removal to New England, in 1637, he had been settled as preacher in his native place, several years, and two years after, Sept 24, 1639, was installed as pastor of Congregational Church of Braintree, now Quincy, Mass, and ordained Nov 19. May 13, 1640, he was admitted a freeman. He remained at Braintree until his death, Dec 10, 1666, with the exception of the year 1642-43, which, he passed as a Missionary in Virginia. During his stay there his wife Abigail died, Jan., 1643. She accompanied him fron England, and was the Mother of his first six children.
William Tompson came to New England on or before 1637. He had been a preacher at a place called Winwick, in his native country. He was a graduate of Oxford, at which university he was admitted 29 Jan, 1619 at the age of 22. hence he was born about 1597.
Arrived in New England in 1637. He was engaged first in Kittery or York Maine ( extreme SWMaine). He was ordained with Rev Henry Flint 11-19. Sept 4,1639 installed as first minister in Braintree, MA.
He died age 68. On his tombstone are the lines: "He was learned, solid, sound divine, Whose name and fame in both England did shine."
He was an instrument in the conversion of Gen Daniel Gookin, who in 1644 moved to Cambridge as a distinguished military officer and author, per Mather.
He was Curate of Newton, a Chapelry of Winwick in 1623. He is said to have gone to York (today in Maine).
Lived in York, ME 1637-1639
Ref. Colonial clergy by Weiss:N.E.H.and Gen. Reg Vol 4 p 316 Hartford Times CT. 5337 Jan 14, 1961. Final memorials of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Boston, 1887. History of Old Braintree, MA p 194-201
He married Abigail Collins.
Title: Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England
Author: James Savage
Abbrev: James Savage
Publication: Originally published 1860-1862. Reprint published Baltimore MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994
Abbrev: Genealogical Dictionary
Page: 4:288-289
Title: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
Author: Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby & Walter Goodwin Davis
Abbrev: Noyes, Libby & Davis
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., reprinted 1996
Abbrev: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
Page: p. 682