2 SOUR S332582 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I11193 Name: Terah, King Of AGADE Sex: M Birth: 2235 BC Death: 2030 BC
Change Date: 31 MAR 2002 at 20:54:47
Father: Nahor, King Of UR AGADE b: 2265 BC Mother: IYOSAKA (IJOSEK)
Marriage 1 Yawnu (Yunal Edna)(Amtheta) b: Bef 100 Note: _FREL Natural _MREL Natural _FREL Natural _MREL Natural Children ABRAHAM b: 2165 BC Haran of UR b: Abt 2166 BC Nahor of UR b: Bef 2166 BC