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Male Gebhard Sultzbach Click to view Gebhard Sultzbach in the family tree

Gebhard was born in 1025 in Sulzbach, Oberbayen, Germany.1   Gebhard's father was Hermann and his mother was Adelaide (Turin) De Susa.  His paternal grandparents were Ernst I von Babenburg and Gisele Duchess of Swabia; his maternal grandparents were Olderico Manfredi Turin and Bertha d' Obertini Este. He had a brother and a sister, named Hermann I Count Of and Richwara. He had five half-brothers and three half-sisters, named Peter I De, Amadeus II Of, Count Of, Amédée II, Pierre Ier, Countess of Maurienne, Adelaide De and Berthe.  He died at the age of 55 in 1080.1 

Gebhard's first family with ? De Sulzbach

They had a son named Gebhard II.

Gebhard's second family with Irmgard Von Rott

‌Gebhard and Irmgard Von were married in a religious ceremony in <Sulzbach, Oberbayen, Germany>.1   They had a son named Berengar.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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