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Female Elizabeth Payne Click to view Elizabeth Payne in the family tree

Elizabeth was born on September 11th, 1586 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England.1   Elizabeth's father was William Payne and her mother was Agnes Neves.  Her paternal grandparents were Anthony Payne and Margaret Castell; her maternal grandparents were William Neves and Agnes. She had three brothers and eight sisters, named Robert, Richard, William, Anne, Judith, Susan, Jane, Pheobe, Dorothy, Frances and Susan.  She died at the age of 84 on September 14th, 1670 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachuttes, USA.1 

Elizabeth's family with William Hammond

‌Elizabeth and William were married in a religious ceremony on June 9th, 1605 in Lavenham, Suffolk, England.1   They had five sons and seven daughters, named William, John, Thomas, Benjamin, John, Ann, Elizabeth, Hannah, Barnes, Sarah, Martha and Rachel.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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