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Male Gervaise Pagnell Click to view Gervaise Pagnell in the family tree

Gervaise was born about 1090 in <, Dudley, Worcester, England>.1   Gervaise's father was Fulk Paganel and his mother was Agnes Fitzwilliam.  His paternal grandparents were Guillaume de Paynel and Guillaume Paynel; his maternal grandparents were William Fitzansculf and William Fitzansculf. He had a brother and a sister, named Ralph and Agnès.  He was the second oldest of the three children.

1 Adam II de BRUS.FTW
Further sources/citations:
"Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disc #6     Pin #271391, "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson", "Héraldique européenne"

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