[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
! His will, as recorded in Essex Probate Book 1: 234, reads:
"I, Christopher Osgood of Ipswich, being weake in body, but of perfect understandinge & memory, doe comitt my soule into the hands of my redeemer, & concerning that little Estate the Lord hath lent mee, this is my last will & testament.
First, I do give unto my oldest daughter Mary Osgood, ten pounds, to be paid her or her assigns at her day of marriage, & to my other three daughters, Abigail, Elisabeth & Deborah, five pounds to each of them, to be paid to them, and every of them, at or upon their respective dayes of marriage.
And to my sonne Christopher Osgood, I do give my house and lands, to have & enjoy the same, at the age of two & twentie yeares. And my will is, that my beloved wife Margery Osgood, shal be the sole executrix of this my will, & to enjoy the proffitt & benefitt of my estate, duringe the minority of my children, as abovesaid. And lastly, I doe request and desire Mr. John Norton, and my Father Phillip Fowler, to be overseers, that this my will be performed, according to the true intent thereof.
In witness heere of, I have subscribed my hand, the nineteenth day of Aprill, 1650.
Christopher Osgood
I do also desire our respected Major (Daniel Denison) to a joyne with Mr. Norton & my Father.
Nathaniel Mathew.
Joseph Rowlandson.
Daniel Rolfe.
Memorandum which was forgotten, my will is, that my oldest daughter marry not, with the desire of my wife & the consent of my overseers, & that my younger daughters, marry not without the consent of their mother & the advice of the overseers, if it may be had, and that their several portions be paid unto them when they shall attaine the age of twenty yeares, if they be not marryed before that age.
Christopher Osgood
Proved by the oath of Daniel Rolfe, the 10th of the 8th mo. 1650, per me. Robert Lord."
On Oct. 15, 1650, the widow, Margery, petitioned for an abatement of the portions given by the estate of Christopher Osgood, to the eldest daughter, second daughter, eldest son, who was to have the house and land, and that to pay to the two younger children, when 18 years of age, because the property did not prove sufficient. The petition was recorded on Dec. 15, 1650.
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