[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 21102
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I28564
Name: Thomas MULFORD
Given Name: Thomas
Surname: MULFORD
Sex: M
_UID: AA59EABE00D001449621660D4E7E26987479
Change Date: 26 Apr 2003
Birth: ABT 1665 in Hingham, Plymouth, MA U. S. A. 1
Death: 14 SEP 1747 in Truro, Barnstable, MA U. S. A. 1
Father: Thomas MULFORD b: 1640 in Eastham, Barnstable, MA U. S. A.
Mother: Elizabeth BARNES b: 3 DEC 1644 in Hingham, Plymouth, MA U. S. A.
Marriage 1 Mary BASSETT b: ABT 1666 in Eastham, Barnstable, MA U. S. A.
Married: 28 OCT 1690 in Eastham, Barnstable, MA U. S. A.
from TORREY:
MULFORD, Thomas Jr. (-1710?) & Mary BASSET/BASSETT, dau Nathaniel; 28 Oct 1690; Eastham {MD 8:93; Bassett Reunion 2:14; Reg. 6:170, 51:47; Barnstable Co. Prob. 3:110}
2 3 4 1
Elizabeth MULFORD
Thomas MULFORD b: 20 OCT 1703 in Eastham, Barnstable, MA U. S. A.
Abbrev: Bassett Reunion
Title: Bassett Family Association, Reports of the Two Reunions of the Massachusetts Branch of the Bassett Family Association (Boston, MA: Bailey Printing Company, 1902)
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society
Page: Vol. 2, p. 14
Abbrev: Torrey's New England Marriages
Title: New England Marriages Prior To 1700
Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior To 1700 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1985)
Name: Patrick McDonald Personal Library
Dural, NSW 2158
Abbrev: MD Mayflower Descendant Legacy (CD)
Title: The Mayflower Descendant
[republished on CD by Search & Research Publishing, Wheat Ridge, CO 1996])
Legacy CD-ROM contains 48 volumes of Pilgrim records. The first 37 volumes, compiled by George Ernest Bowman in "The Mayflower Descendant Magazine" from 1899 to 1937, are rich sources of information about the first 250 years of American history. Also included are all five volumes of Bowman’s Pilgrim Notes and Queries and three volumes of Bowman’s Vital Records of Brewster, Halifax, and Truro, and Bowman’s post-publication corrections taken from his personal copy of the magazine. New are B. N. Derick’s volume on Dennis cemeteries and a volume on Wellfleet cemeteries. (Boston, MA: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1899 to 1937
Name: Patrick McDonald Personal Library
Dural, NSW 2158
Page: Vol. 8, p. 93
Abbrev: NEHGR
Title: The New England Historical and Genealogical Register
New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Boston, MA: New England Historical and Genealogical Society)
Name: New England Historic Genealogical Society
Page: Vol. 6, p. 170 and Vol. 51, p. 47
At a proprietors meeting 17 Jun 1793, he was allowed to purchase someland for 7 pounds and was accepted as an inhabitant of Truro (thenknow by its Indian name, Pamet). He became prominent in town andchurh affairs. He served on a committe to set up the agreement withPastor Avery in 1710. Started a 9 year service as selectman in 1709.He was on 2 committees to draw the boundary between Truro and Eastham,in 1715 and 1728. He was one of the trustees for the town in gettinga 60,000 pound loan. His tombstone reads 'Thomas Mulford, Elder'
Source: Abbrev: Edgecombe, Yates, & Allied Lines Title: Edgecombe, Yates, & Allied Lines Author: Frances E Blake Publication: Kalamazoo, MI: Edgecombe Printer, 1968