[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Source: Walter Clark Boutwell's page on Family Tree Maker. wclardb@@aol.com
Samuel Morse as husbandman at age fifty emigrated with his wife and son, Joseph in April, 1635. They left Zengland due to the persecutions of Bishop Lund, embarking on the "Increase". Eventually settling in Watertown, MA, then Dedham and finally Medfield where he died. He served as a collector, treasurer and selectman in Dedham. The house he built there survived until burned by Indians in 1675 when the town was razed during King Phillips War.
Early Suffolk County, MA Wills:
2:10:1654. Samuell Morse, Estate whether movables or immovables, as house, Lands, Chattle, house houlde stuffe, bequeath all unto Elizabeth Morse my wife; after her decease to be devided amongst my children, John Morse, Daniell, Mary Bullin, & Ann Morse, the wife of my son Joseph deceased, who with my said children shall have an equall portion--for the childrens sake of my said beloved Joseph--the above named Ann shall make an equall distribution when they & every one of them shall grow up to the age of one & twenty. wife Elizabeth executrix. Saml Morse
Henry (H) Smith Ralph O. Wheelock Samuell (S) Bullin
Samuell Morse--Inventory of Samuell Morse of Medfield, taken 10:5:1654, by Tho Wight, Georg Barbor, Ralph Wheelocke. Sum totall, L124.07s. Elizabeth, wife of Samuell Morse, deceased, disposed. Taken upon oath the 27:11:1654 by me, Thos Grubb, one of the Commissionrs for the towne of Medfield. Att a County Court held at Boston 30 Jan. 1654 this Inventory was accepted by ye Court, on the Oath here incerted. (Will, Reg. (1851) Vol. V, p. 299
The Story of Walpol, The Founders, p. 80
The Morses were descended from Samuel Morse of Dedham, England, who came to America in the shiip "Increase," Robert Lea, Master, and settled in Watertown. He was one of the twelve original proprietors of the town of Dedham, was the third man chosen to the important office of Townsman, afterwards called Selectman, in that place, and was admitted to the church there on May 30, 1641. Samuel Morse was born in 1587 and died in 1654.
English Origins of New England Families, From The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, First Series, Vol. II:
p. 262 On 15 Apr 1635 there embarked on the Increase, from London, England, for New England, Samuel Morse, husbandman, aged 50 years, Elizabeth Morse, aged 48 years, Joseph Morse, aged 20 years, and Elizabeth Daniel, aged 2 years, Joseph Morse being without doubt a son and Elizabeth Daniel probably a granddaughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Morse. Samuel Morse settled first in Watertown, Mass., but moved to Dedham, Mass., at its first settlement in 1636 and died in 1654, leaving a will. Of his children who are found in New England the eldest son was John Morse, the second Daniel Morse, the third Joseph Morse, and the youngest child, apparently, was Mary, who married, 10 Aug. 1641, Samuel Bullen of Watertown and Medfield, Mass., whither also the Morses went. From the date of Mary's marriage it may be inferred that she was born about 1620. A Thomas Morse who appears in the Dedham church records on 5, 2 mo. 1640 and 28, 4 mo. 1640 was probably another son of Samuel Morse, and, as nothing more is heard about him, he probably died childless soon afterwards.
For many years the question of the ancestry of Samuel Morse of Dedham, whose descendants are numerous, has puzzled New England genealogists. It is with pleasure, therefore, that the Committee on English and Foreign Research presents English records and a pedigree based on them which show very conclusively the ancestry of Samuel Morse and the parentage of his wife Elizabeth.
From the Parish Registers of Boxted, co. Essex
1576 Samuell Mors son of Thomas Mors, minister, 12 June.
From the Parish Registers of Redgrave, co. Suffolk, Marriages
1602 Samuel Morse and Elizabeth Jasper 29 June