[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
He was mortally wounded by rival branches of the royal house.
King of the Scots. Williamson, in Chart No. 18, says he was King of Alba.
(Alba is Albany, modern Scotland north of the Forth & Clyde.)
OCCU King of Alba ...
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning;COMYNR.TAF, p. 1 says ABT 958;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 121; www.rootsweb.com/gumby says
ABT 970, Scotland; COLLINS.ROY says 954;PHILIP.GED (Compserve),772 says 954
SOUR Royal Scotland, Jean Goodman, p. 225; www.rootsweb.com/gumby ;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 121;
PHILIP.GED (Compserve), 772;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ;
SOUR The Survival of Scotland, Eric Linklater
mortally wounded by rival branches of royal house 1034, conquered Lothian 1018
Castle of Edinburgh - Royal Scotland, Jean Goodman, p. 225; King of the Scots-
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3; of Scotland - COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve),p.1
; Malcolm II Alpin, King of Scots - COMYNI.GED(Compuserve):Reigned 1005-1034 -
RULERS.SCT (Compuserve);After killing Gruoch's grandfather, had her brother
murdered-The Survival of Scotland, Eric Linklater, p. 19
MALCOLM II, son of KENNETH II, was King of Strathclyde, 990-995; King of Scotland, 1005-1034; fought in battle in 1008 at Corham with Uchtred, son of Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland; overcame the
danes in 1017; published a code of laws - Royalty for
Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 121
King of Scots 25 March 1005 to 25 NOV 1034. Fought in battle in 1008 at Corham with Uchtred son of Waltheof,Earl of Northumberland. Overcame the Danes in 1017. Published a set of Laws. Murdered
GIVN Malcolm (Mael-Colium) II King of
SURN Scotland
NSFX King of Strathclyde
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html
ABBR Enf-Bry
TITL http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html
ABBR Enf-Bry
murdered Dead
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
DATE 11 NOV 1999
TIME 18:45:23