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Female Lümke Lübbers Click to view Lümke Lübbers in the family tree

Lümke was born on August 31st, 1794 in Ihrhove, Ostfriesland, Germany.1   Lümke's father was Hinderk Geerds Lübbers and her mother was Swaantje Geerds.  Her paternal grandparents were Lübbert Lucas Akkermann and Eentje Hinders. She had two brothers and a sister, named Geerd Hinderks, Hinderk Lübberts and Eentje.  She was the oldest of the four children. She had a half-brother named Aalderk Uken Hinderks.  She died at the age of 10 on October 9th, 1804 in Ihrhove, Ostfriesland, Germany.1 

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
Ihrhove Ortsippinbuch {Die Familien der Kirchengemeinde Ihrhove (1723-1900) } @ 2749, daveanthes.FTW

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