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Male John de Legh Click to view John de Legh in the family tree

John de was born in 1303 in Adlington, Prestbury, Cheshire, England.1   John de's father was John de Legh and his mother was Katherine Legh.  His paternal grandparents were Roger de Lees and Aveline de Cruce. He had a brother and two sisters, named Robert de, Katherine and Joan de.  He was the second oldest of the four children.  He died at the age of 46 in 1349.1 

John de's family with John de Legh

‌John de and John de were married in a religious ceremony about 1317 in <Adlington, Prestbury, Cheshire, England>.1   They had two sons and two daughters, named Thomas de, Peter, Katherine de and Joan.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
"Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disk #20 #ID 562258, "Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disc #25     Pin #707455, "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson", "Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disc #33     Pin #629729, daveanthes.FTW

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