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Male Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of Ireland Click to view Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of Ireland in the family tree

Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of was born before 0326.1   Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of's father was Murdeach Tireach King of Ireland and his mother was Princess of Ulster Muirion.  His paternal grandparents were Fiacha Srabhteine King of Ireland and Aiofe Britain; his maternal grandfather was Fiachadh Araiade 37th King of Ulster.  He was an only child.  He died in 0365 in Tara/Teamhair, Ireland.1 

Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of's first family with Inne Cairrion Chasdubh

‌Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of and Inne Cairrion were married in a religious ceremony about 0310.1   They had a son named Niall Mor of the Nine Hostages 126th.

Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of's second family with Mongain Finn NicFideach O'hailill

‌Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of and Mongain Finn NicFideach were married in a religious ceremony in 0370.1   They had four sons and a daughter, named Brion King Of, Fiachra, Ailill, Fergus and Coirpe.

Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin 124th King of's third family with Mrs Earthum Meadhoin

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
Mainfile.ged, daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW, Spare.FTW

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