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Male Cord Hinrichs Hinrichs Click to view Cord Hinrichs Hinrichs in the family tree

Cord Hinrichs' father was Hinrich Harms and his mother was Trine Margaretha Gödekens.  His paternal grandparents were Harm Haats and Antje; his maternal grandparents were Conrad Gödeke and Magdalena Dorothea Dorgelo. He had four brothers and three sisters, named Hermannus, Lütjen, Haat, Rickend, Magdalena Dorothea, Margaretha and Arentje.  He died on January 24th, 1753 in Völlen, Ostfriesland, Germany.1 

Cord Hinrichs' family with Hille Janssen

‌Cord Hinrichs and Hille were married in a religious ceremony on May 14th, 1722 in Völlen, Ostfriesland, Germany.1 

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
Völlen Ortsippinbuch  {Die Familien der Kirchengemeinde Völlen (1677-1900) } @ 1553, daveanthes.FTW

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