[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
GIVN Sancho Garcez de (0835)
SURN Pamplona *
ABBR Rootsweb WorldConnect
TITL Rootsweb World Connect
TEXT Rootsweb WorldConnect
PAGE Lookup was for Sancho Garces II Navarre (0935) & Urraca Castile
GIVN Sancho Garces I
SURN Navarre
NSFX King of Navarre
King of Pamplona & Navarre
Source: Ahnentafel for Edward III of England
GIVN Sancho I 'optimo Imperator' King of Navarre
SURN Garces
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
TITL Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip
AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL 3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD
ABBR Royalty for Commoners
DATE 15 JAN 2000
TIME 21:07:56
DATE 22 JUN 2000
GIVN Sancho I Garces (0865)
SURN Navarre *
ABBR Rootsweb WorldConnect
TITL Rootsweb World Connect
TEXT Rootsweb WorldConnect
PAGE Lookup was for Urraca Alfonsez of Castile,
OCCU King of Navarra ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart
PAGE 163
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve) says ABT 925
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1203 says ABT 925
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 163
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve)
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1203
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 163,210
Sancho I Garces - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 29; King of Pamplona -
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1203; Sancho Garces de Pamplona - COMYN4.TAF (Compu-
serve);Sancho Garces I Abarca; Sancho has been called the 1st historic king of
Navarre; perhaps his father & grandfather were called kings of Pamplona,rather
than Navarra -SPAIN.TXT (Compuserve); "Optimo Imperator", King of Navarre (Pam
plona), 905-925 - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 163