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Male Eisten King of Frondheim Click to view Eisten King of Frondheim in the family tree

Eisten King of was born in 0755 in Uppland, Norway.1   Eisten King of's father was Throud King of Frodheim and his mother was Alfhild Gandolsdottir.  His paternal grandfather was Harald Hildetand King Of Denmark & Sweden; his maternal grandfather was Sigurd Hring King of Denmark & Norway.  He was an only child.1 

Eisten King of's family

He had two biological sons named Rogne and Halfdan King of.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW, Spare.FTW

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