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Male Baldwin FitzGilbert Click to view Baldwin FitzGilbert in the family tree

Baldwin was born about 1022 in <, Meulan, Île de France, France> and his baptism took place in <, Oakhampton, Devon, England>.1   Baldwin's father was Gilbert I de Crispin and his mother was Gonnor le Teuton. He had five brothers and four sisters, named Robert, Osule de, Guillaume I de, Gilbert II de, Milo, Agnes FitzGilbert, Roberte de, Emma and Elise.  He was the fourth youngest of the ten children. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, named Richard FitzGilbert De and Isabel de.  He died in 1090 in , Okehampton, Devon, England.1 

Further sources/citations:
"Falaise roll recording prominent companions of William, Duke of Normandy at the conquest of England" @ Table IX, "Héraldique européenne", "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson", "Heraldry Coat of Arms", "List of Knights with William the Conqueror, 1066"

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