[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
OCCU William I, Count ...
SOUR HAWKINS.GED says 1040; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says 1055;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 100 says CIR 1055;
COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve), #845 says ABT 1055;
SOUR COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve); gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001;
GWALTNEY.ANC (Compuserve) 15876404 says ABT 1088;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 100;
The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier, p. 55 shows him as William I of Warenne
(later earl of Surrey) a supporter of William the Conqueror. If he was a
support of William, then his birth date (1055) must be wrong - NLP;Earl
of Surrey - PHILIP.GED (Compuserve), 618; Earl of Surrey - Royalty for Commone
rs, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 41; Seigneur de Verennes, near Dieppe; Earl of
Surrey - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 100
WILLIAM DE WARENNE, son of RALPH DE WARENNE and BEATRICE DE CREPON, was Count of Warenne - COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve), #845
acceded 16 apr 1088 Ancestry shown differs from that shown by Cokayne in "The Complete Peerage", and follows "Aspects of Robert of Torigny's genealogies revisted"; "Notti Medieval
Studies,xxxvii,1993,pp.21-27; as cited by A.B.Wilson and S.Baldw . -
http://gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0002/G0000004.html#I622 gives parents as Rudolf de Warren (b. CIR 998, d. BEF 1059) and Beatrice DE VASCOEUIL (b. 1020, France, d. BEF 1059) - NPH
Earl of Warrenne in Normandy, created Earl of Surrey by William Rufus.
GIVN William I de
SURN Warenne
NSFX Earl of Surrey*
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 17:31:17
GIVN William De
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 16 SEP 2000
TIME 15:59:40