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Female Ida Forez Countess De Forez Click to view Ida Forez Countess De Forez in the family tree

Ida Forez Countess was born in 1054 in LeForez, Provence, France.1   Ida Forez Countess' father was Artald V Count de Forez & Lyons and her mother was Ida de la Forez.  Her paternal grandparents were Artald IV Count de Forez & Lyons and Ida Ramona de Geilin.  She was an only child.  She died at the age of 31 in 1085.1 

Ida Forez Countess' family with Renaud II Count Of Nevers

They had a son and a daughter, named Guillaume II of and Ermengarde of.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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