[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 11356
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
!CHRISTENING: Elizabeth Ellery Dana, The Dana Family in America; ; Cambridge,
Mass., 1956; Film 924,077, p. 32; , Family History Library, Salt Lake City
!BURIAL: Elizabeth Ellery Dana, The Dana Family in America; ; Cambridge, Mass.,
1956; Film 924,077, p. 33; , Family History Library, Salt Lake CityAlthough he
was buried in Manchester, May 24, 1644, no will or administration of his estate
is now to be found in England. It was in the time of the great Civil War
there, and it is supposed that these troubles prevented the probate of his
estate, as it did many other.
!MARRIAGE:Elizabeth Ellery Dana, The Dana Family in America; ; Cambridge,
Mass., 1956; Film 924,077, p. 33; , Family History Library, Salt Lake City