[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Claimed to be the greatest of all Merovingian Kings.
OCCU King of Austrasia
OCCU King of France 628-637...
SOUR COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 5 says ABT 602;FRANCE.SOV (Compuserve) says
ABT 602; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 603, Austrasia, France;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 216 says 602
SOUR COMYNR.TAF, p. 5 says ABT 63 8;al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says 639
, St Denis Abbey, Paris, France ;FRANCE.SOV says 637;ANJOU.TXT says 639?;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.216 say 639
(Merovingian), King of Austrasia - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1664; Nantilda
was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 90; King of
Austrasia, 622-628; King of France, 628-638; Greatest of the Merovingian
kings - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart p. 216; He may have been
born abt 601. His father crowned him King of Austrasia in 622.Accession to the
throne in 629. King of Franks (62 9-638).-al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged;
DATE 0628
PLAC 630, King of Franks
DATE 0638
DATE 0632
PLAC King of Austrasia
RELI Reign: 628-638
OCCU King of the Franks; King of AustrasiaDagobert I of the Franks, King of the FranksAcceded: 629Died: 639Notes:King of Austrasia.Father: , Chlothar II of the Franks, King of the FranksMarried to ,
GomatrudMarried to , NantechildChild 1: , Chlodovech (Clovis) II of the Franks, King of theFranksMarried to , RagnetrudChild 2: , Sigebert (St.) III of the Franks, King of the FranksReturn to the
master surname alphabetic index.Return to the index for this person.Return to the home page for royal data.---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------Version: 14
Feb 99 Author: Brian Tompsett Sources: bibliographyQuestion?: FAQ c 1994-99
DATE 27 AUG 1999
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 123-48; 303-47
DATE 622 - 628
PLAC King of Austrasia
DATE 628 - 638
PLAC King of Franks...greatest of the Merovingian kings
DATE 23 MAY 2000
[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
[Etienne De Coligny.FTW]
[Hugh II.ged]
ID: I02189
Name: Dagobert I King Of Austrasia 1 2
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 602 in Neustria, France
Death: ABT 638 in Neustria, France
Reference Number: 2818
Note: Dagobert I (died 639), king of the Franks, was the son of Clotaire II. In 623 his father established him as king of the region east of the Ardennes, and in 626 revived for him the ancient kingdom of Austrasia, minus Aquitaine and Provence. As Dagobert was but yet a child, he was placed under the authority of the mayor of the palace, Pepin, and Arnulf, bishop of Metz. At the death of Clotaire II in 628, Dagobert wished to re-establish unity in the Frankish realm, and in 629 and 630 make expeditions into Neustria and Burgundy, where he succeeded on the whole in securing the recognition of his authority. In Aquitaine he gave his brother Caribert the administration of the counties of Toulouse, Cahors, Agen, Pérogeux and Saintes; but at Caribert's death in 632 Dagobert became sole ruler of the whole of the Frankish territories south of the Loire. Under him the Merovingian monarchy attained its culminating point. He restored to the royal domain the lands that had been usurped by the great nobles and by the church; he maintained at Paris a luxurious, though, from the example he himself set, a disorderly court; he was a patron of the arts and delighted in the exquisite craftsmanship of his treasurer, the goldsmith, St. Eloi. His authority was recognized through the length and breadth of the realm. The duke of the Basques came to his court to swear fidelity, and at his villa at Clichy the chief of the Bretons of Domnoné promised obedience. He intervened in the affairs of the Visigoths of Spain and the Lombards of Italy, and was heard with deference. Indeed, as a sovereign, Dagobert was reckoned superior to the other barbarian kings. He entered into relations with the eastern empire, and swore a "perpetual peace" with the emperor Heraclius; and it is probable that the two sovereigns took common measures against the Slav and Burgundian tribes which ravaged in turn the Byzantine state and the German territories subject to the Franks. Dagobert protected the church and placed illustrious prelates at the head of the bishoprics---Eloi (Eligius) at Noyon, Ouen (Audoenus) at Rouen and Didier (Desiderius) at Cahors. His reign is also marked by the creation of numerous monasteries and by renewed missionary activity in Flanders and among the Basques. He died on Jan 9, 639, as was buried at St. Denis. After his death the Frankish monarchy was again divided. In 634 he had been obliged to give the Austrasians a special king in the person of his eldest son Sigebert, and at the birth of a second son, Colvis, in 635, the Neustrians had immediately claimed him as king. Thus the unification of the realm, which Dagobert had re-established with so much pains, was anulled. [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961 ed., Vol. 6, pp. 971-972, Dagobert I].
Father: Clotaire II King Of Franks b: MAY 584 in Neustria, France
Mother: Altrude (Haldetrude) Of Franks
Father: Clotaire II King Of Franks b: MAY 584 in Neustria, France
Mother: Haltrude De Soissons b: ABT 572 in St. Denis, Paris, France
Marriage 1 Ragnetrude Wife Of Dagobert I King Of Austrasia b: ABT 585
Siegbert III King Of Austrasia b: ABT 631
Marriage 2 Gomatrude De Gascony b: ABT 602 in Gascony, France
Giselle Of Gascony b: ABT 625 in Gascony, France
Marriage 3 Wolfegunde Wife Of Dagobert I King Of Austrasia
Marriage 4 Berchild Wife Of Dagobert I King Of Austrasia
Marriage 5 Gomatrude Wife Of Dagobert I King Of Austrasia
Marriage 6 Nantechild Wife Of Dagobert I King Of Austrasia b: ABT 560
Married: WFT Est 603-636 1
Adela Of Austrasia b: ABT 650 in Metz, Austrasia, France
Clovis II King (Neustria) De Burgundy
Title: World Family Tree Vol. 5, Ed. 1
Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Publication: Release date: August 22, 1996
Note: Customer pedigree.
Call Number:
Media: Family Archive CD
Page: Tree #1939
Text: Date of Import: Mar 7, 1998
Title: woodward.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Nov 7, 2000