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Male Ladislas Arpad Click to view Ladislas Arpad in the family tree

Ladislas was born in 1262 in <, Budapest, Pest, Hungary>.1   Ladislas' father was Istvan V Arpad and his mother was Erzsebet Kumans.  His paternal grandparents were Bela IV Arpad and Maria Laskarina; his maternal grandparents were Kuthen di Kumans and Kuthen di Kumans. He had three brothers and five sisters, named Andras, Salamon, Kalman, Kunigunde, Katalin, Maria, Anna and Erzsebet.  He was the fourth youngest of the nine children.  He died at the age of 28 on July 10th, 1290.1 

Ladislas' family with Marie Elizabeth Isabella Capet

‌Ladislas and Marie Elizabeth Isabella were married in a religious ceremony in 1270 in <, Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary>.1 

1 Isabella D'AVESNES.FTW
Further sources/citations:
"Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia", "Héraldique européenne", "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"

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