Archard was born about 0892.1 Archard's father was Regenald. He was an only child. He died about 0950.1
General Notes
[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
OCCU de la Ferte-sur-Aube ... SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says liv 901-936 HAWKINS.GED PAGE 81 QUAY 1 SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart HAWKINS.GED says AFT 950 PAGE 81 QUAY 1 of the Norman-Burgundian House of Roucy - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 81