Abstracts of Wills Vol I 1665-1707
Page 402.--JOHN SKIDMORE, Jamaica. "The last will and Testament of John Skidmore, who through God's mercy having my sences perfectly about me, yet not knowing how it may please God to deal with me, I commit my soul to God, and for preventing of future danger do dispose of my estate as followeth." Leaves to his 5 children all his estate both in the town of Jamaica, and
50 given by my father Thomas Skidmore of Fairfield in New England, and gives his eldest son John full power to recover the same. Mentions "my two youngest children Joseph and Abigail." "The black horse given by my wife to the 4 boys, to be equally divided between them" (wife deceased, name not given). Makes Joseph Smith, Sr., and Daniel Whitehead, overseers.
Witnesses, Samuel Ruscoe, Edward Borrows. Proved at Court of Sessions, held in Jamaica, July 9, and confirmed December 30, 1680.
E. Andross.
Inventory taken by Robert Ashman and Thomas Oakley, July 7, 1680. The Housing and land at home
60, the land and meadow at Hayters,
20. The 10 acre lot and other land
20. Joseph Smith, Daniel Whitehead, John Hinds.
12. JOHN4 SKIDMORE was born about 1690 at
Huntington, Suffolk County, Long Island,
the son of John (no. 6) and Sarah (Whitman)
Scidmore. He died at Schenectady, Schenectady
County, New York, soon after 24 June 1758 while
serving in the French and Indian War. He married
(probably as his second wife) Susanna Smith
who was living his widow at Smithtown, Long
Island, as late as 11 December 1771. His youngest
son Zophar Scidmore appears to have been born in
1744, if his age at death is accepted as correct.
This certainly suggests that he and his eldest
brother David (who was born about 1710) are not
likely to have had the same mother. John
Scidmore is sometimes said to have married a
Platt, but this is probably a confusion arising
from the marriage of his sister Abigal Scidmore
to Isaac Platt who is later called a
"brother-in-law." The only clue to the identity
of his first wife is the name David given to his
firstborn son. He may have been called, a common
custom at this time and place, after his maternal
Wm Frank Skidmore
267 Golf Course Lane
Winchester, TN 37398
Tel 931-967-2589