1 _UID 414C35C211E91F4D93935E1BBA2A151294F8
!#4569> Welsh Genealogies Ad 1400-1500,-v3-p434,435,438,-v4-p564,-v5-p693,716,
717,786*,855 (FHL 942.9 D2fw);
#2105> Wales Visitation-v1-p137,295*,312 (FHL Q942.9 D23d);
!#205> Baronagium Genealogicum-v3-p264* (FHL #0164680);
#1080> Brecknockshire-v2-p396* (FHL Q942.965 H2j);
#1105> Carmarthenshire Sheriffs-p220 (FHL 942.98 D2b);
#1307> Montgomeryshire Collections-v2-p387,395,396,ped*,-v3-p349,354,-v4-p382,-
v6-p205 (FHL 942.94 C4mp);
#2226> Morgan and Glamorgan Genealogies-p296,300* (FHL 942.97 D2c);
#2671> Pedigrees-p40* (FHL #0104339 it1);
ARCH REC> Clarks' History of Glamorgan; Monm 1-v1-pt2-p189,-v4-pt2-p300,301;
(birth 1518 of Montgomery Castle);
!OCC> High Sheriff of Montgomery-1547,1569 (Esq of Park, Llanwnog);
OCC> High Sheriff of Cardigan-1550 (Esq of Park, Montgomerys);
OCC> MP for Montgomery 1541-44,45-47,47-52;
ISSUE> P 214, RV 1307, Carms 194;
ORD> sealed to wrong mother;
!ERROR> #1080,#1307,#2226,#2105> made son of Margred ferch Gwilym;
ERROR> #2671> placed in wrong family;