Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Edmund II., Ironsides, was born in 989 and succeeded his fa
ther in April 1016. In this year he fought six battles, bu
t through treachery he was completely overthrown at Assandu
n, in Essex. He and Canute the Dane agreed to divide the ki
ngdom. He was chosen king of England by the Londoners on hi
s father's death, April, 1016, while Canute was elected a
t Southampton by the Witan. Edmund hastily levied an army i
n the west, defeated Canute twice, raised the siege of Lond
on, and again routed the Danes. Levying a fresh army, he de
feated them at Otford, his last victory. At Ashingdon in Es
sex, after a desperate fight, he was routed. By compromis
e with Canute, the latter retained Mercia and Northumbria
, Edmund all the south and the headship, the survivor to su
cceed to the whole. A few weeks later Edmund died, in 1016
, and Canute became King of England without a rival. It i
s said that the traitorous Edric Streona perhaps murdered E
dmund on November 30, 1016, shortly after peace was made. E
dmund II. married Ealgyth (Algitha), widow of Sigefrith th
e Dane. She died in 1014. They had the following sons:
1. Edmund III., born in 1016.
2. Edward the Exile