Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
SIR EDMUND DEINCOURT, of Blankney and Branston, co. Lincoln
, Holmesfield and Elmton, co. Derby, Granby, Notts, Duddin
g ton, Northants, &c., son and heir of Sir John DEINCOURT
, of Blankney, &c. (who died before 14 October 1257) (c), b
y A gnes, daughter of Sir Geoffrey DE NEVILLE, of Raby, co
. Dur ham (d). The King took his homage, though he was stil
l a mi nor, on or before 8 January 1268/9. He was in the Ar
my of W ales in 1277, 1282, and 1294, and in the Army of Sc
otland in 1299. He was summoned for Military Service from 1
6 Apri l 1291 to 1 May 1325, to attend the King wherever h
e migh t be, 8 June 1294, to attend the Coronation, 18 Janu
ary 130 7/8, to Councils from 8 January 1308/9 to 20 Februa
ry 1324/ 5, and to Parliament from 6 February 1298/9 to 3 D
ecember 1 326 by writs directed Edmundo Deyncurt or Deyncou
rt, whereby he is held to have become LORD DEINCOURT. He di
d homage for his lands in Burnby, co. York, to three succes
sive Archb ishops of York, 1299, 18 July 1300, and 3 May 13
10. As Edmu ndus de Eyncourt dominos de Thurgerton', he too
k part in the Barons' Letter to the Pope, 12 February 1300/
1. He was on e of those ordered, 3 September 1312, to prohi
bit the Ear l of Lancaster and others from repairing to th
e King with h orses and arms. By a fine, levied in the octa
ves of St. Mic hael he conveycd the manor and soke of Blank
ney, with the a dvowson of the chapel there, the manors o
f Branston, Mere, and Granby, a messuage in the bail of Lin
coln, the advows ons of the Priory of Thurgarton and the Ho
spital of St. Leonard at Stoke, and the manors of Holmesfie
ld and Elmton, sa ve a messuage, &c., in Elmton, to himsel
f for life: remaind er to William son of John Deincourt, re
mainder to John brother of the same William, in successiv
e tail general: remain der to his own right heirs. By anoth
er fine, of the same da te, he conveyed the said messuage
, &c., in Elmton, to himse lf for life: remainder to Hamo
n de Mascy and Joan his wif e [late the wife of Edmund so
n of John Deincourt], for her life: remainder to Isabel dau
ghter of Edmund son of Joh n Deincourt, in tail male: remai
nder to his own right heirs. He married Isabel, daughter o
f Sir Reynold DE MOHUN, of D unster, Somerset, by his 2nd w
ife Isabel, daughter of Willi am (DE FERRERS), EARL OF DERB
Y. He died 6 January 1326/7. [ Complete Peerage IV:118-20
, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(c) This John had livery of his lands, 19 Sep 1246, and wa
s son and heir of Oliver (who had livery in 1217), by Nich
o le, to whom Nichole (1st daughter and coheir of Richard d
e la Haye, and wife of Gerard de Caunville) gave Duddingto
n in free marriage; which Oliver was son and heir of Oliv
e r (aged 24 in 1186, m. Amabel, and d. in or bef. 1201), s
on and heir of John (who had livery in 1167-8, and d. 6 N
o v 1183), by Alice, sister of Ralph Murdac. John was son a
nd heir of Walter son and heir of Ralph (who m. Basilie), s
on and heir of Walter d'Aincurt, the Domesday lord of Blank
n ey.
(d) This Agnes was widow of Richard de Percy, of Topcliffe
, co. York, who d. shortly bef. 18 Aug 1244. She was his 2
n d wife. The Lady Agnes de Percy gave the manor of Steepin
g, co. Lincoln, to Edmund d'Eyncourt her son and heir, an
d his heirs, by deed dated 20 Edward I. She d. bef. 20 Jul
y 12 93. The effigy on her seal wears a dress charged wit
h bille ts and a fesse dancette, and holds up two shields
, the dext er charged with 5 fusils conjoined in fesse, th
e sinister w ith a saltire.
Edmund, 8th baron, who obtained that remarkable license ab
o ve mentioned [see Walter de Ayncourt] from Edward II. H
e si gned, 12 February, 1301, 29th Edward I, the celebrate
d lett er sent by the barons, assembled in parliament at Li
ncoln, to Pope Boniface VIII, denying his jurisdiction in t
empor al affairs, and denying that Scotland was