Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> of Bayhall
from the Culpepper site:
The eldest son, Sir Thomas Culpeper, who was executed at Wi
nchelsea in 1321, seems to have married Margery, a daughte
r of the Bayhall family, and either by this match, or by pu
rchase, to have acquired their estates. This Thomas is call
ed in 1306 "fil' Thom' Colepeper de Brenchesle." The follow
ing evidence is adduced to show that Margery probably belon
ged to the Bayhall famiIy.
In 1299 there is the grant, mentioned before, by Benedict
a daughter of Thomas de Chitcroft, which family bore identi
cally the same arms as the Colepepers (and therefore Thomn
s de Chitcrolt may hnve been a Colepeper himself, or he an
d Thomas Colepeper may both by marriage with the Bayhall he
iresses have adopted their coat of arms) to Thomas, son o
f Thomas Colepeper, and Margery his wife of lands at Beghal
l with part of a mill in Pepinbury.13
1308. Charter in which Cecilia, Margeria, Amicia, and Chris
tina, daughters of John atte Bayhalle grant to Thomas the s
on of Thomas Colepeper, for 5 marcs, all their part of a mi
ll and lands in Pepinbury which they had after the death o
f their grandfather William atte Bayhalle.14
1309. Johanna quae fuit uxor Johannis atte Beyhalle petit v
ersus Thomas Colepeper juniorem.15
1312. Grant from Ralph Newman and Agnes daughtor and heir o
f Geoffrey atte Beyhalle to Thomas Colepeper and Margery hi
s wife of lands in Pepinbery.16
1312. Grant of Walter son of Jeffrey atte Beyhalle and Agne
s his daughter and Ralph Neweman to Thomas Colepeper and Ma
rgery his wife for 26 shillings "quandam granam terrae in P
1313. Gilbert ate Beyhalle grants to Thomas Colepeper and M
argery for 50 shillings a piece of land in Pepingbery to b
e held by them and their heirs for ever.18
1314. Charter by which Christina daughter of John atte Bayh
alle for 4 marcs grants to Thomas Colepeper lands in Peping
1315. Christina de Bayhalle grants to Thomas Colepeper an
d Margery his wife for 3s 6d the pension which William Scri
vor owes yearly to her.20
1316. Grant from Ralph Newheman to Thomas Colepeper and Mar
gery his wife of lands at Beahalle in fields called "Redest
" and "Mesebort" in Pepinbury.21
1316. Charter by which Christina daughter of John atte Bayh
alle grants to Thomas Colepeper and Margery for two shillin
gs all that part of wood "inter Rodgate et stagna de Bayhal
le cum placea super quam boscus crescit."22
1317. Christina daughter of John atte Bayhalle grants to Th
omas Colepeper and Margery for 4 marcs a messuage and land
s in Peapingbury which she had "post decessum Willelmi at
e Beyhalle avi sui."23
1317. Quitclaim by Johanna widow of John atte Beyhalle to T
homas Colepeper and Margery his wife of a house and lands a
t Beyhalle for 3½ marcs."24
Sir Thomas Colepeper, who "pro bono servicio in partibus Sc
otie" received a pardon in the 32nd year of Edward for brea
king the park of the Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, a
t Westwell, and the park of the Prior of Michelham, in th
e 29th year of that King's reign,25 took the side of the Ea
rl of Lancaster against Edward I, and being Governor of Win
chelsea, was there executed in 1321.
Previous to this, however, by a fine levied in 1320, part o
f his estates, consisting of 2 messuages (houses), 2 mills
, 405 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pastur
e, 80 acres of wood and 20 shillings annual rental in Pepyn
gbery, Thonebregg and Teudele, were settled on himself an
d Margery his wife for life, with remainder to their sons W
alter, John and Richard in succession.26
By Inquisition taken at Tunbridge 25th February, 1 Edward I
I (1327), it was found that Thomas Colepeper died seized o
f Bayhalle, with lands in Pepyngbery, Thonebregg and Teudel
e, and that Walter was his son and heir, aged 22 years on t
he feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary las
t past (2 Feb 1327).27 In