Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir Knight Sir William Brandon, brother-in-law of Henry VIII. [Burke' s Peerage] Sir William Brandon, Knight, fl. 1497, Marshal of Marchelse a. [Magna Charta Sureties] --------- Occupation: Marshal of the Marchelsea Note: In first will William states he wishes his place in southwa rk to be sold and the money divided among his daughter Mary , Anne, Margaret, Eleanor, & Katherine. Nothing is mentione d of Elizabeth. Executors were wife Elizabeth and Sir Rober t Wingfield [either her father or brother of the same name]. The second will, located in Dogett, was dated in 1491 and i n it he states where he wanted to be buried, to the High Al tar of St. George the Martyr at Southwark, personalty to wi fe Elizabeth, to nuns at Bungay, to church of St. Thomas a t Bungay, to pray for the souls of his father and mother an d to land and manor rights. The executors were Elizabeth hi s wife and Robert Mosley. Named in the probate are John Ryd ing; John Gurney, John Leventhorpe; John Hardy and Hugh Joh n.