Name Prefix:<NPFX> Captain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr.
Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 2
, p.142:
CAPTAIN RICHARD BOOKER of Gloucester Co., Va., Ye parrish o
f Abingdon. Large landowner by inheritance and grants. Gran
ts to him recorded July, 1685, 20th Apr. 1694, and 20th Oct
. 1704. From earliest land grants, 1623, to the Revolution
, there was not a land grant to any BOOKER, except to thi
s immediate family. (Va. Hist. Mag. 1900.) m. (firstly) Reb
ecca LEAKE, dau. of John LEAKE; m. (secondly) Hannah HAND
, dau. of Richard and Frances (PUREFOY) HAND, and widow o
f Capt. Wm. MARSHALL.
From Joseph Eggleston, George E. Booker and John Agee Booke
r, "Some Booker Genealogy,"
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Gen
ealogies of Virginia Families, vol. 1, FTM CD187, Virgini
a Genealogies #3, p. 164:
"Edward Booker was the father of Captain Richard Booker a
n actual resident of the Colony. The proof that Richard Boo
ker was a son of Edward is presumptive, but it is now gener
ally accepted that he was. In 1699 Richard Booker was appoi
nted by his Excellency, the Governor of the Colony as Milit
ary Captain of Gloucester County. He was Justice of the Cou
rt of Gloucester County in 1698 and was a member of the Quo
rum. Richard Booker was born probably in England and name
d probably for his uncle, Richard Glover. The date when h
e settled in Virginia is not known. Captain Richard Booke
r is alluded to in a York County record as being of "Ye Par
ish of Abingdon, in Ye county of Gloucester" and on the upp
er side of Fellgate's Creek. On July 1685 (L. Book 7, p. 54
0) Captain Richard Booker received a grant of 740 acres i
n Gloucester County. On April 20, 1694 a grant of 180 acre
s in Gloucester County and on October 20, 1704 a grant of 6
13 acres in Essex County.
Captain Richard Booker married first Rebecca Leake, and sec
ondly in 1694 Hannah Hand Marshall, widow of Captain Willia
m Marshall, Justice of Elizabeth City County, formerly of B
arbadoes. Hannah Hand was the daughter of Richard Hand (die
d c. 1689) and Frances Purefoy Hand. Frances Purefoy was th
e daughter of Thomas Purefoy II who was the son of Captai
n Thos. Purefoy. Captain Thos. Purefoy was the son of Humph
rie and grandson of Sir Nicholas Purefoy of royal descent
. Capt. Thos. Purefoy was born in England (c. 1581) and h
e came to Virginia in the George in 1621. He was a principa
l commander of Elizabeth City County in 1628 and burgess fr
om the lower part of Elizabeth City County in 1629-30; he w
as also a member of the Governor's Council in 1631. Accordi
ng to Burke, the Purefoy's of the extinct barony of that na
me, had a seat in Leicestershire called 'Drayton.' Thomas P
urefoy of Virginia, named one of his plantations 'Drayton.'"
From "The Tabb Family," William and Mary Quarterly, Genealo
gies of Virginia Families Vol. IV, Genealogical Publishin
g Co., 1982, Broderbund CD186, Virginia Genealogies #2, p
. 681:
Richard Booker was probably son of Edward Booker, first nam
ed, who, perhaps, married Miss Glover. He had issue by hi
s first wife, Rebecca -------: (1) Edmund; (2) Judith; (3
) Edward, baptized June 2, 1680; (4) Richard; (5) Ann; (6
) Richard, baptized October 29, 1688; (7) John, baptized Au
gust 3, 1690. He had issue by his second wife, Hannah Hand
: (8) Frances, married ------- Stokes, who lived in Ameli
a county, and whose will, recorded about 1752, elucidates t
he Booker pedigree by numberous legacies to 'her brother an
d sisters' children and their children'; (9) George.