Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
References (24)
1060 Individual:
Edward of Salisbury , Count of Evereux
(b. 1060 )
1070 Individual:
Maud FitzHubert
(b. 1070 )
1075 Individual:
Maud Fitzhurbert
(b. ~1075 )
1090 Marriage / Union:
Edward of Salisbury , Count of Evereux & Maud FitzHubert
(m. 1090 )
1096 Individual:
William deEu
(d. 1096 )
1100 Individual:
Walter Fitzedward de Salisbury
(b. 1100 )
1100 Individual:
Walter deSalisbury
(b. ~1100 )
1100 Individual:
Walter Fitz Edward
(b. ~1100 )
1132 Marriage / Union:
Walter fitz Edward , of Salisbury & Sibilla Maud deChaworth
(m. ~1132 )
1132 Marriage / Union:
Walter Fitz Edward & Sibilla Maud deChaworth
(m. ~1132 )
1145 Individual:
Robert deTregoz I Sheriff Of Wiltshire
(b. 1145 )
1216 Individual:
Earl Stephen Longespee
(b. 1216 )
1236 Individual:
Richard deLongespee
(b. 1236 )
1299 Individual:
John Montacute
(b. 1299 )
1301 Individual:
Earl William De Montague
(b. 1301 )
1303 Individual:
Simon Montacute
(b. 1303 )
1307 Individual:
Maud Montacute
(b. 1307 )
1309 Individual:
Edward Montacute
(b. 1309 )
1311 Individual:
Alice Montacute
(b. 1311 )
1313 Individual:
Mary De Montagu
(b. 1313 )
1315 Individual:
Katherine Montacute
(b. 1315 )
1317 Individual:
Hawise Montacute
(b. 1317 )
1319 Individual:
Isabel Montacute
(b. 1319 )
1449 Individual:
Walter Hungerford
(d. Aug 9th, 1449 )