(Ref: Grenville C. McKenzie) Gerret Jochemse van Weert was born on Long Island, N.Y. about 1668 and married Catherine Conckling about 1690. They resided in Tarrytown, N.Y. just below Sheldon Brook. on the west side of Broadway about opposite Sheldon Ave. (Ref: N.Y. Gen & Biog. Soc. Qurt. vol. 54, p. 17) Gerrit was constable for the Philipe Manor in the year 1715. His name appears on the tax list in the same place in 1732. (Ref: N.Y. Hist. Coll. 1891-1909, 1893, p. 171) G. acted as executor of the will of Abraham de Renere(Rivere) which was probated June 22, 1716.