- b. in Barnard Castle, England, G.B.

- b. in of Barnard Castell, Co.Pal. Durham, Eng. G.B.

- b. in of Seaton, Co. Northumberland, England

- b. in Barnard Castle, England, G.B.

- b. in Nunthorpe, Co. York, England, G.B.

- b. in Nunthorpe, Co. York, England, G.B.

- b. in Barnard Castle, England, G.B.

- b. in of Snotterton, Co. Pal. Durham, England, G.B. d.> 1575 in of Snotterton, Co. Pal. Durham, England, G.B.

- b. in of Snotterton, Co. Pal. Durham, England, G.B.

- b. in of Streatlam Co. Durham, England

- b. in of Snotterton, England, G.B.

- b. in Barnard Castle, England, G.B.

- b.~ 1420 in England d.~ 1470 in of the Manor of Milborne, England, G.B.

- b. in of Holgill, Co. Westmoreland, England G.B.

- b.~ 1429 in of the Manor of Milborne, England, G.B. d.~ 1473 in of the Manor of Milborne, England, G.B.

- b. in of the Manor of Milborne, England, G.B.

- b. in The Manor of Milneborne, Westmorland, England, G.B.

- b. in Streatlam, England, G.B.

- b. in Streatlam, England, G.B.

- b. in Streatlam, England, G.B.

- b. in of Ravenswath

- b. in of Streatlam Co. Durham, England

- b. in of Cowton, England, G.B.

- b. in Cowton, England, G.B.

- b. in Co.York, Streatlam, England, G.B.

- b. in of Aske, England, G.B.

- b. in of Aske, England, G.B.