James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England
EDWARD, Ipswich, ace. a very doubtful tradit. came from Scotland, 1636,m. a Kimball, and had, as runs the same story, fifteen s. and three ds.That acco. was giv. by Hon. Samuel C. Allen to Farmer. In the Hist. ofHubbard, wh. was his neighb. the burn. of his barn, 1670, is ment. Withw. Sarah, wh. d. 12 June 1696, he rem. to Suffield, having had nine ch.and there had one, b. 1683; and ano. 1685. Of seven s. the names aretold, but without dates, exc. John, wh. is said to have been b. a. 1660,and was k. by the Ind. 11 May 1704 at Deerfield, where he had liv. from1685; Edward, wh. also liv. at D. there d. 1740, leav. a fam. William,wh. d. at Suffield, 1702; Benjamin, the anc. of Hon. Samuel C. hadJoseph, wh. sett. at Deerfield; David, and Samuel, both, it is said, wentto N. J. and Caleb, b. 31 Mar. 1685, prob. the youngest. Four ds. too arenam. Sarah, wh. m. 21 Apr. 1685, Edward Smith; Martha, wh. m. SamuelKent, jr.; Abigail, m. Timothy Palmer; and Mary, of wh. nothing is told.