That she may have been a Benquasi, a daughter of Musa ben Musa, is speculative. But if so, this might be a possible DFA to Muhammad.
Why must I then ask, Why should Oria not be the wife of this Fortun of Pamplona, So many thing point in the direction, that Fortuns wifes name really was Oria or Aurea, a name common in the family of Banu Quasi, and several thing, who I will have to ask others, as for instance Chico Doria, to tell about. It is my opinion that Chico supports this theory, of the european nobility and royalties ofscendance from the Prophet himself. -- Allan Martens Anderson
I think the banu Qasi line from M. to European nobility is correct, but I also believe that this conjecture is *unprovable*, barring the discovery of totally new, previously unknown documents. -- Chico Doria
NOTE: the line would have her as the dau of Musa ben Musa, son of Musa ben Fortun, son of Fortun ben Benqasim & Aisha, dau Abd-al-Aziz ibn Musa (d.717), son of Musa ben Naseir, conqueror of Spain and a dau of Calif Merwan ben Hakim and Aisha, dau Calif Orthman and Roccija, dau Mohammed . Some put her as the wife of Othman, but a different dau of Mohammed -- Umm Kultum, prob dau Kadidja bint Khuwaylid, Mohammed's first wife.