In September 641, due to pressure caused by the army's presence, the young Heraclius, Constantine's son, now aged ten, was crowned in St Sophia by Heraclonas and renamed Constantine by the populace (as emperor he was known as Constans)
15 Sep 668 murdered in Sicily
Note: By a cubicularius while bathing, at the behest of the count of the Opsikion, the Armenian general Mezizios, was acclaimed emperor.
Source: lorenfamily.com
In September 641, due to pressure caused by the army's presence, the young Heraclius, Constantine's son, now aged ten, was crowned in St Sophia by Heraclonas and renamed Constantine by the populace (as emperor he was known as Constans)
15 Sep 668 murdered in Sicily
Note: By a cubicularius while bathing, at the behest of the count of the Opsikion, the Armenian general Mezizios, was acclaimed emperor.
Source: lorenfamily.com