Custom Field:<_FA#> He was a Mason, which is inscribed on his headstone.@@S726784@@Date of Import: Jul 31, 2003
"From Our Correspondents
Sears Chapel Happenings
John T. McEwen, formerly with Messers. Stewart and Waldrip in the
blacksmith and wagon repair business in Rockford, is moving to the McEwen
old place four miles north of here and will take charge of the McEwen
Local and Personal
"C. W. Stewart and J. W. Waldrip have bought out the interest of J. T.
McEwen in the woodwork and blacksmith firm of C. W. Stewart and Co. of
(1)The Chronicle, Sears Chapel Happenings, 27 May 1910, p. 4. Printed in
Rockford, Coosa Co., AL. Microfilm: Located in the Alabama Archives and
History, Montgomery, AL.
(2)The Chronicle, Local and Personal, 13 Jan 1911, p. 5.
On last Saturday evening about half past four o'clock the death Angel
visited the home of Wiley Stewart and claimed him from the walks of men.
He was buried at the Baptist Church with Masonic honors, Sunday
evening after a short talk and scripture by Rev. C. Bobo the Methodist
pastor here. On last Thursday evening a week ago he went to his daughter
Mrs. Sim Miller who was critically ill with influenza. He stayed with her
day and night a week ago. On Sunday after Mr. Stewart was a victim of
the same dreaded disease and was seriously sick from the beginning. His
daughter was buried Monday a week ago and was buried the next Sunday by
her side. Mr. Stewart will be greatly missed in this community. He
leaves a wife and twelve children to mourn his lose - nine at home and
Dick his oldest son in France, Clark in Rockford and his oldest daughter,
Mrs. George McEwen at Hanover, Ala. No boys in the family to help make a
living. Mr. Stewart was a splendid black smith and has been here for a
long time. The Editor sympathizes with the family." (1)
(1) The Chronicle, C. W. STEWART DIED, 17 Jan 1919, p. 3. Published in
Rockford, Coosa Co., AL. Microfilm: Located in the Alabama Archives and
History, Montgomery, AL.
Note: Charles Wiley Stewart (b. 13 Mar 1870 in ? and d. 11 Jan 1919 in
Coosa Co., AL) is buried in Rockford Cemetery, located on the west side
of Rockford, Coosa Co., AL.
Their youngest child, Bill (Female) was 2 at the time of his death. Other
children are Cleo and Charles William who died in infancy, and Ethel,
Bessie, Dick, Clark, Charles Wilfred (my grandfather), Carl, Sidney
Sanders, Doris, Mattie, Mary Tom, Myrtle, and Gladys.